Adverse Reactions of the Pfizer Vax

This is the document directly from Pfizer of the adverse reaction of this vax. The reactions are listed at the end of this document. Many of the trials were stopped before long-term effects could be recorded and many clinical trial patients, if a reaction did occur were struck out of the trial.

Pfizer in late 2022 admitted they did no trials on the transmission of the virus, therefore, removing the unvaccinated from society was a coax under the statement that the unvaccinated could spread the virus easily and the vaccinated did not. Therefore the passport system was unjustified.

If you live in New Zealand many of you will know people that have had a small or big adverse reaction from the vaccine, Warkworths dentist died early on in the plandemic from the vaccine, and the local fire chief in Mangawhai 3 hours after his vax in his late fifties, people have come to me with tinnitus ringing in the ears, skin rashes, numbness or tingling of limbs, lower immunity, Bells Palsy a paralysis of face (my daughter’s music teacher got this on his booster), three children at one of our local high schools has seizures within 10 days of each other corresponding to the vax push.

They are not hiding the evidence you just need to know where to look. If you are vax injured or know someone who is, start talking to people and you will be surprised how many people are out there to support you. Go to your local doctor first and ask questions, and go to your local nutritionist, naturopath or herbalist for natural solutions and detox protocols.