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Free Hypnotherapy Audios by Ocean Gypsy
Free Relaxation Audio, Shift Your Body, Mind & Spirit into Calm.
Emotion will always defeat logic
Emotions are more powerful than the logical mind. Emotions come from the subconscious blueprint that is laid down through childhood and adult experiences. This blueprint is played out when an event or circumstance replicates or triggers past experiences. We can often get frustrated when our emotions take over, and our logical mind can’t control the emotion. The logical mind is the conscious mind, our analytical, chatty and rational thinking mind. We all know the feeling when anxiety comes into our body, the feeling of excess energy, panic, our eyes come focused and whatever our logical mind is saying or someone else is saying to us, we feel we can’t shift…
Do you experience hot flushes? Then do this!
Hot Flushes can be a sign of your body starting the menopause change, these can be experienced first in peri-menopause when the body starts to transition to menopause. They can continue on during and after menopause known as post-menopause. Not every woman will experience hot flushes. This guided visualisation is excellent for taking control of your body and cooling it by using your mind to tell your cells to cool the body. Remember you are in charge. Do this free visualisation daily for 21 days to experience change. But doing this, you will have it in your subconscious toolbox, so when you experience a hot flush, just feeling the icy…
Love & Trust
Babies are born with the knowledge of knowing that they are completely lovable and trusting. A baby loves attention & toddlers if you tell them ‘you are so beautiful’ they never say ‘no I am ugly’ they accept that you are telling them the truth that they are beautiful. So this feeling of unlovable or lack of trusting comes from experiences and generally someone else transferring their own experiences and energy onto you. Energy can’t be destroyed, only transferred. For example, if a husband was to say to his wife, “I don’t know why you bother getting dressed up.” So then, the blueprint pattern set previously in the sub-conscious mind…